
A small, seaside village. Cliffside sits atop the tallest point of the cliff that New Orphidian is so famous for-- It is also, unfortunately, the most inconvenient part of the cliff. Being 30 feet high, sheer, and with barely a beach to speak of, it's practically unnavigable. Most of the tourism actually goes to the town to its east, Welkin, who can afford the infrastructure. Cliffside still has some tourism, though. Just far less.
Once upon a time, it had an industry-- A gathering of some of the world's best minds for a remote research facility, with easy access through expensive car-lift tunnels to Varmonte's ringroads. It... went defunct about 20 years ago, taking that fancy road with it. As such, most residential housing around the area is miserably empty, and the few remaining locals seem to get by through the generosity of the handful of rich and famous who thought it a nice, isolated place to retire.

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