External Links

This is a somewhat temporary page linking to projects I haven't mirrored here yet! A lot of MYMK's existing stuff is hosted on toyhouse.
Some will be ported here over time, but for now this is a reasonably comprehensive pointer on where to look.

Individual Character Profiles -- LINK

Each character on Toyhouse has a profile, while on this website the characters are presented as groups. They have links to their profiles on their pages here, but this is the masterlink. It includes characters who are not quite relevant enough to have made the cut here, too.
The toyhouse profiles also house image galleries for each! I upload most everything I make here, including doodles and unpolished art.

Purrgatorio -- LINK

Purrgatorio, a noncanon story alluded to in places across this site, will eventually be mirrored here.
But for now, this is where to read it.
The reading order is "pick a recent one, and work either backwards or forwards", as it was written sequentially and thus the early chapters have quite a bit of "Haven't written in years" rust.
It is, presently the most in-depth work set in the universe that's publicly available-- if you want to get acquainted with the cast of Cliffside. And also Ali.

Other uncollated oneshots

Non-Purrgatorio writings of varying degrees of polish. Mostly a lot of poking around ideas for backstory stuff.

Collection -- Chrome and Tabitha Circa ~10 Years Ago (Unordered)
LINK -- White Hot
LINK -- Two Cities
LINK -- Kitty See, Kitty Do.
LINK -- Meeting
LINK -- Sleeping Like a Corpse
LINK -- Sickeningly Opulent
LINK -- Detangling

Essays, things that aren't prose

Overlong thoughts on characters, and explanations that otherwise feel much too behind-the-curtain to present naturally.
So you just get them in essay form.

LINK -- An (extremely long) explainer on Chrome and Tabitha
LINK -- Re: Gender (A short overview on diagetic character gender)